格格常常在電視劇或電影裡看到,可憐的員工飽受折磨,最後寫了辭職信往上司的桌上一丟~順便大喊:「老子不幹了!」嗯,這種事情格格還真是沒勇氣做....... 哈哈哈哈哈~只不過最近有一位英國人Chris Holmes,他原本在Stansted機場工作,但是為了一圓開蛋糕店的夢想,他決定辭職,而且就把辭職書寫在蛋糕上!這...... 所以上司如果要蓋章批准的話,到底是要蓋在哪裡?!XDDD
▼這位就是Chris Holmes
To The Management,
Border Force, Stansted:
Today is my 31st birthday, and having recently become a father I now realise how precious life is and how important it is to spend my time doing something that makes me, and other people, happy.
For that reason I hereby give notice of my resignation, in order that I may devote my time and energy to my family, and to my cake business which has grown steadily over the past few years.
I wish the organisation and my colleagues the best for the future and I remind you that, if you enjoy this cake, you can order more at www.mrcake.co.uk
Chris Holmes
(Mr Cake)
▼下圖就是Chris Holmes和他兒子~
幸好他不是辭職回家種馬鈴薯之類的,要不然那麼多字要刻在馬鈴薯上應該是滿累的XDDD(文/宅宅新聞by 卡卡洛普)
蛋糕辭職 原文: 《蛋糕辭職信》讓上司甜滋滋的吃下肚......?